
Operation "SharkHunt"

Operation "SharkHunt" S1 E4 - Episode 4

Sorry for hurting Li-hung, Chi visits her in the hospital with Hui.Before the ignorant Chi, Li-hung intends to win his sympathy byposing to be poor. Though quick-witted, An refuses to pursue and ordinary job butguards the gambling dens. Because of his conflict with Chiu, An isbelieved to be serving the police and becomes unacceptable to boththe underworld and the police. Thinking that he is, afterall, hisrelative, Hui finds An, who seeks his help, a job in a privatedetaective agency.Hui is drunk during his birthday party at home. Returning fromthe hospital, Pao-wen quarrels with Hui when she finds the house in a mess.Though separated, Hsi-ya's husband Tzu-chi, hoping to reconcile inorder to inherit the family's fortune, bothers her persistently, muchto the disgust of Hsi-ya. Despite his dispute with Hsi-ya in work,Hui helps her to repel him by pretending to be her lover.