
Operation "SharkHunt"

Operation "SharkHunt" S1 E13 - Episode 13

Since discovering her love for Hui, Leader Huh abuses Pao-wen whodetermines to leave him and in revenge uncovers his illegal acts toHui, requesting him to report to the police.Worrying that Hui will not be able to return him the savings, Pingbecomes worse. Ashamed, Hui decides to get monty by all means. With nobody to turn to,. Hui conspires to rob a jewellery shop withAn and sends him to rent guns.Hsi-ya perchance discovers that Hui has brough weapons but he denies,Hsi-ya's search of his house, though fails, alerts Hui.To prove that he is not in the spot during the robbery, Hui asksAn to dress up like him and drive around on a motorcycle, causingtrouble as well as arousing public attention. After robbing theshop, Hui exchanges his bag with An who will hide the jewellerywhile Hui continues driving on a motorcycle publicly.