
Operation "SharkHunt"

Operation "SharkHunt" S1 E12 - Episode 12

Knowing that Hui is persecuted by Pao-wen, Li-hung and her friendsdamage her car. Pao-wen charges Li-hung but is teased by Chiu.Worrying that Hui, failing in his business, will not be able to returnhim his savings, Ping falls ill. Frustrated in work and urged byPing to return the debts, Hui feels hopeless.Hsi-ya begs Pao-wen to change her mind but Pao-wen decides to breakall relations with her and Hui.Li-hung uncovers Pao-wen's wicked act before the crowd when LeaderHua and Pao-wen are in the disco. To save face, Leader Hua saysnothing. Later, he presses Pao-wen to tell the truth and is furiousto know that the large amount of money given to her is indeed usedto help his ex-lover in business.Hating Hui who, as an inspector, has repeatedly offended him, LeaderHua, now his creditor, insults him by forcing him to eat sour food.