Rin (Haruka Fukuhara), a high school student who enjoys solo camp, witnesses Nadeshiko (Yuno Ohara), who she met at a Koan campsite, when she was with her friend Saito (Ayora Shida) in a high school library. Nadeshiko was interested in camping because she met Lin, and was transferred to a high school "Outdoor Activities Circle" (commonly known as "Kuru"). Ogaki (Momoko Tanabe) and Inuyama (Yumeina Yanai), members of the "Kuru" team, assembled a tent in the schoolyard with Nadeshiko, but the pole of the tent was broken. Rin watching the scene ...
Creator | N/A |
Actor | Haruka Fukuhara, Yuno Ohara, Momoko Tanabe |
Country | Japan |
Production | TV Tokyo |