Crash Course Biology S2 E2 - The Scientific Method

Crash Course Biology

Crash Course Biology S2 E2 - The Scientific Method

Science offers a way of discovering and understanding the world around us, driven by questions and tested with evidence. And it’s a twisty-turny team effort— you won’t find many lone geniuses out there, or straight lines from hypothesis to conclusion. In this episode of Crash Course Biology, we’ll talk about the big picture of how scientific progress is made, from peer review to mathematical models, with some exploding eggs along the way.

ActorSamuel Ramsey
CountryUnited States of America
Introduction to Biology
The Scientific Method
What Biologists Do
How Life is Organized
Why Did All These Elephants Die? (Intro to Ecology)
How Species Make and Break Friendships (Community Ecology)
How Did We Save The Bald Eagle? (Population Ecology)
What Is Climate Change?
The Effects of Climate Change
How Do We Keep Life's Jenga Tower From Toppling? (Conservation Biology)
What a weirdly long giraffe nerve can teach us about evolution
Microevolution: What's An Allele Got To Do With It?
Natural Selection: Life's Way of Stayin' Alive
Why do we have different skin colors? (Population Genetics)
Where Do Species Come From? (Speciation)
How did life begin? (Evolutionary History)
How We're All Related (Phylogeny)
Humans Develop Butt First (and other insights from the Tree of Life)
Humans Didn't Evolve From Chimps (Human Evolution)
What is Life Made of? (Carbon & Biological Molecules)
A Love Letter to H2O: Water & pH
How We See What We Can't See (Microscopes)
A Tour of the Cell
How Does Stuff Get Into Your Cells? (Cell Membranes)
How Do Cells Communicate? (Cell Communication)
How Do We Get Energy? (Chemical Reactions)
How do cells get their energy? (Electron Transport Chain)
Photosynthesis: The Original Solar Power
Mitosis and the Cell Cycle
Why Are All Humans Unique? Meiosis
Why Your Cat Looks Like That: Genetics
Nature? Nurture? Not so simple: Genetic Traits
Our Instruction Manual for Existing: DNA Structure & Replication
How mRNA helped save lives: DNA Transcription
How RNA gets translated into protein power
How Genes Express Themselves
Is drinking milk a Superpower? Genetic Mutations
We’re full of bacteria!
How Do Vaccines Work?: Viruses & Vaccines
Algorithms Aren’t Just for TikTok: Bioinformatics
Why We Aren’t Just One Big Cell: Multicellular Function
Plants Are Hardcore: Plant Anatomy & Physiology
The Poop Episode: How Animals Turn Resources Into Waste
Why You’re More Than Goo: Animal Infrastructure
How Skin, Snot, and Cells Keep Us Healthy: Animal Defense Systems
What REALLY Happens When You Step on a Lego: Nervous & Endocrine Systems
How Animals Do It: Sexual & Asexual Reproduction
Gender, Sex, & Sexuality: What’s the Difference?
Why This Toad is Bad at Jumping, and Other Mysterious Animal Behavior
The Dr. Sammy Show