Dynasty S9 E18 - Tale of the Tape


Dynasty S9 E18 - Tale of the Tape
198946 minSoap Movies

Blake and Jeff are stunned when Dex finds the hidden vault beneath the lake completely empty. Returning from the lake, Jeff finds Sammy Jo waiting for him in his bed. Blake asks Sable to try and find out any information Alexis may know about the vanished treasure. Having a passkey to Alexis' suite, Sable waits for the right time to sneak in and take the painting Roger Grime's stole from the hidden Nazi treasure. Alexis tells Captain Handler about her eyewitness to Roger Grimes' murder. Even with the witness, Handler is reluctant to reopen the case. Zorelli subtly gets valuable information out of Fallon, leading him to the uncle of Blake's half-sister Dominique Devereaux. Meeting Dominique's uncle, Charles Matthews, Zorelli puts a bug in his house and learns Matthews knows more about Grime's murder than he is letting on. Jeff warns Blake that he doesn't think Sable can be trusted. Federal Marshals burst into Alexis' suite to seize Colbyco records, as Sable unleashes her lawsuit to bring

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