The Secret Life of Machines S1 E4 - The Secret Life of the Refrigerator

The Secret Life of Machines

The Secret Life of Machines S1 E4 - The Secret Life of the Refrigerator

Commercial refrigeration equipment was first developed in Australia, where the winters weren't cold enough to produce much natural ice. A brewery was the first company to commission an artificial ice making plant (in 1865) so cooling Australian lager was the first use of artificial refrigeration.Episode Contents:Models: Disassembling a compressor. Demonstration of thermostat Machines: Rex's homemade air rifle. Tim's elaborate wall mounted water clock.Guests: Early ice box. A turn of the century ammonia refrigerent ice factory. Various early fridges.Archival: GE film from 1935 starring Bette Davis. Hilarious old promo from 1957 with a woman hugging her fridge! Goofy commercial involving an elephant and an old style fridge.Extro: Stop motion fridges.