Easy Japanese for Work S1 E41 - Words of support for a coworker

Easy Japanese for Work

Easy Japanese for Work S1 E41 - Words of support for a coworker
2022 min

Today: words of support for a coworker. Nguyen Thi Thuy Trang, from Vietnam, works at a company that makes paper products. She began studying Japanese out of a love for Japanese manga, and she came to Japan 2 years ago as a technical intern. At her job, she works in quality inspection. She needs a high level of focus to check for any imperfections. She'd like to forge a closer bond with her coworkers, who often push themselves to work hard even when they aren't feeling their best. In a roleplay challenge, she must reach out to a coworker who has back pain to offer words of support.

Communicating a sense of gratitude
How to politely ask someone to repeat something
Expressing an opinion concisely
How to make explanations using photos and other materials
Relaying messages
Obtaining permission
Making apologies
Making suggestions
Asking questions using keego
Offering support
Asking how to pronounce names
Asking for clarification
Answering phone calls for others
Responding when you've been asked to do too many things
Offering logical explanations
Handling difficult negotiations over the phone
Supporting a subordinate
Politely explaining rules
Dealing with ambiguous complaints
Telling passengers in a hurry that they may be late
Asking a shop manager to follow orders from head office
Identifying your chance to speak at a meeting
Explaining when there's been a misunderstanding
Adjusting a schedule with a client
Making small talk with a client
Cheering up a junior employee who is feeling down
Asking others for favors
Checking that others have understood instructions
Reporting to a superior that a coworker is ill
Turning down a request for support politely
Business Japanese Quiz Part 1
Business Japanese Quiz Part 2
Dealing with a complaint from a neighbor
Asking for instant guidance
Asking for further information
Saying how much you can do
Explaining that you can't make a decision on the spot
Taking over someone's work without hurting their feelings
Explaining a need for staffing adjustment
Pointing out a senior coworker's mistake
Words of support for a coworker
Fielding an urgent request on the phone
Determining what is worrying a client
Making a polite request to a superior
Asking someone to repeat and clarify
Recommending additional repairs
Business Japanese Review Special: Part 1
Business Japanese Review Special: Part 2