Battle Spirits: The Core Bearers S1 E10 - Conflagration

Battle Spirits: The Core Bearers

Battle Spirits: The Core Bearers S1 E10 - Conflagration

Gallet has earned many new Otherworld friends on his journey in Grand-Lolo. As the final destination of their trip, they have reached Magisa's temple. Thinking that he should brought the answer he sought in the journey to a clash, he challenges Magisa to a battle. Meanwhile, the conflicts between Mauve and the Unified Government have grown to become more and more fierce. Riots take place and countless Mauve are killed. Varte's subordinates hence ask for a revenge by force but are rejected by Varte with the reason that they shall not take the same path as humans or mazokus. However, Varte's subordinate have decided to defy this order...