Quanta Magazine S2021 E7 - Why Extraterrestrial Life Might Not Be So Alien

Quanta Magazine

Quanta Magazine S2021 E7 - Why Extraterrestrial Life Might Not Be So Alien

On the website for the department of zoology of the University of Cambridge, the page for Arik Kershenbaum lists his three main areas of research, one of which stands out from the others. Kershenbaum studies “Wolves and other canids,” “Dolphins and cetaceans” — and “Aliens.” Granted, science hasn’t yet found any aliens to study, but Kershenbaum says that there are certain things we can still say about them with reasonable certainty. Topping the list: They evolved. Read the full article at Quanta Magazine: https://www.quantamagazine.org/arik-kershenbaum-on-why-alien-life-may-be-like-life-on-earth-20210318/