Atsu-hime arrives at Satsuma clan's castle in Edo, however, she is unable to meet Nariakira's wife Fusa and adoptive mother of Atsu-hime. In Edo castle, Nariaki, former head of the Mito-Tokugawa family, opposes to Asuhime's entry in "Ooku." Meanwhile, back in Satsuma, Nariakira picks Kichinosuke to accompany him to Edo. Although Atsu-hime finally meets Fusa, she gives her a frosty look saying Atsu-hime does not deserve to become the wife of Iesachi.
Creator | Tomiko Miyao |
Actor | Aoi Miyazaki, Eita Nagayama, Maki Horikita |
Country | Japan |
Production | NHK |