Shipping the World S1 E3 - High Seas and Fast Lanes

Shipping the World

Shipping the World S1 E3 - High Seas and Fast Lanes

We set a course for the most treacherous sea routes, the most ingenious man made canals, and the most extreme conditions ship crews will face. Shipping routes have been defined and redefined over decades. All in pursuit of finding the fastest and safest way to move goods between ports. Along these routes, the dangers are many. Around the coast of Africa, pirates still rule the waters, preying on shipping vessels. Particularly those who are crewed by countries known to pay ransoms. Maps of global shipping routes reveal these dark spots, where ships dare not travel. Regions like the coast of Somalia, a notorious pirate strait. The ocean itself is often treacherous.

CreatorAndrew Southwell
ActorDon Battee
CountryAustralia, United Kingdom
ProductionWildBear Entertainment